Business Sponsorship
There are 25 Businesses that sponsor Spirit Army, most of them have come from Southland Spirit of a Nation days and follow that model with levels of $500, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000 and $5,000 per annum or $750 to sponsor a family.
The reward for sponsorship is the satisfaction of making a tangible difference in the lives of our community’s most beleaguered members, and in aligning your businesses with the values of community, concern for people and the excitement of an organisation that is attacking poverty in a radical human-centred way, and in the process helping transform Southland into a more connected community.

​Businesses can sponsor a specific activity or aspect of Spirit Army, as SBS Bank is the flagship for our fortnightly family social events and Mee and Henry Law support our Emergency family meals.
Other areas open for such sponsorship include:​
Our firewood working bees often feature in our media output and a sponsor would receive good mileage.
Meatpacks, section makeovers, caring taxi, Christmas and Easter Hampers, kindling, baking to thank supporters, respite getaways, transfer of goods to families, our Pep n Step personal development group, Christmas Party
Return for this sponsorship takes the form of public association with Spirit Army and it's activity:
Photos and stories on our facebook page, at presentations and in this website and in the general media
All sponsors are listed in a graphic that shows at every presentation and is found below.
As Spirit Army founder and former brand manager for Southland Spirit of a Nation,
Gerry Forde puts it:
“We’ve seen the power of the Southland spirit in action in the floods of ‘84, the snow of 2010, the ability to lift a Ranfurly Shield, it’s potential is unlimited so if we can pull together against the increasing poverty in our midst we can reverse the world trend, bridge instead of widen the poverty gap, reach out and link hands to form a way up for those struggling and create the democratic, all-inclusive, close knitted community our forebears dreamed of and which endures like a burning ember in the hearts of all Southlanders.”